Ah, Shandom. Y u so weird. / +667

He was bashful at her little jab about his lack of intimidatingness - he supposed he wasn't at all, what with falling and getting himself stuck in a root and then having to be rescued by the only woman supposedly on this earth that was his age and remotely attractive. If he were not already attempting to salvage his dignity, the white man would have slapped a palm against his broad face and publicly humiliated himself further so as to save himself the injustice of being mortified by someone he barely even knew. Ugh. But Shandom did not show his mortification, and instead let a booming laugh out at the very thought of him actually winning in a fight against this strange, strange woman - especially when she had sharp, pointy objects attached to her waist that she apparently knew how to use. An angry or distressed woman, Shandom had learned in his life, was not something he wanted to cross. Luckily, he had not distressed Naniko, and now she was laughing at him. Of course. But things were always easier when he maintained a smile and an easy, uncaring attitude. He could continue to do so.

When she mentioned her son, Shandom shook his head, slightly embarrassed that he could not say he knew him. Unfortunately, no the man replied. I didn't spend much time in the lands themselves, and when I was there I often kept to myself, and spent time on the outskirts of things. Not how I normally am, but... He trailed off, shrugging his shoulders before clasping his hands casually. Is what it is. Tried, but I couldn't do it. Anyway. Anathema, you say? His ears had perked up at the mention of the pack. Caprica. There was something about Naniko that had reminded him of the raven girl, though he had yet to quite put a finger on it. He narrowed his eyes for a moment, scrutinizing the female, though his look was not unfriendly and he hoped she did not take it as such. I know someone from Anathema. I've run into her a few times in the unclaimed lands. Perhaps you know her - Caprica? His head was cocked curiously to the side as he tried to figure out what on earth made him compare the two. Perhaps it was just instinctive knowledge that they were of the same pack - after all, he couldn't see all that much resemblance otherwise. Naniko was white, Caprica was black - what more did he need to make a decision?

Of course, he was horrified when she said that she used a knife to help initiate her members, though he did not allow his face or stance to portray how utterly strange and slightly twisted he found it. Shandom was glad he didn't - when she explained that it was a bonding ritual, the male relaxed and his smile widened. Of course she spent most of her time in Optime form - it was a matter of being ready! He could not fault her for that, though he could not help but wonder what she looked like on four legs, as he did with most of the wolves he encountered in this weird place. I couldn't imagine living so much time on those two legs. As you can clearly see, I'm rather incompetent on them right now. I was born with four legs, and didn't even know about this whole shifting business until I was...three years old, I believe. So, uh, no, I'm not from around here, he laughed. Nor do I have any family in the Court, or in any of these packs. My family is all far West from here, and, unfortunately, I have no contact with them. Wanderer to the very core. He said that with a sort of bitter pride; Shandom was not the kind of wolf to actually be happy that he did not have a close core of family to surround himself with.

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