you are my hated enemy


The male was still trying to get that horrid and sick smell out of his pelt. He smelt like a stupid wolf pack, he knew that parts of it still were clinging to his coat. How gross. The male gagged any time he caught a hint of the smell of the golden she wolf and her mate, or a smell of the white wolf that had left him and pawned him off onto the golden stupid ugly female wolf. This was horrid! This smell alone was ten times worst, no like twenty million times worst then and sunk spray. The male had rolled in a mixture of animal droppings, mud, and lavender. He had allowed it to dry as he would strip that mud from his coat. It was painful and needed. He hated smelling like that pack lands of Ichika no Ho-en, he was not a wolf, and he would not conform to them and their stay of life. It made him so thankful that he was only there for the two day stay. The male believed that if he had to stay there any longer he might have snapped on the wolf couple. Always making the sick love sounds to each other, always letting each other know that they loved each other. Oh how disgusting!

The male had stripped his coat of all the mud, though it was temping to leave in, and now he could set off on his way to the next pack. He was going to go though and visit every pack, the male would not stop till he had visited every pack, he was a loner and he knew that no one would really accept a half breed coyote wolf mixture. Rojo knew this and the youth had never taken the time to think about it, he was a warrior; he was not to show any feelings, he would only play the role that he had taken on. That was just fine with him because he did not have to give him-self time to think about how he felt about things.

Paw moved slowly though the lands as he hunted for his next meal. Seeing the two cats sleeping in the tree, the male smiled, ah…they were small but they would make a meal for him. Lowering him-self down to the ground, he smile shifting around as he made a mad dash towards the tree, the male mangled to get his front paw looped around the small branch. He yipped madly, he would have one of these furry little suckers and one of them would be his meal.


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