Burdening thoughts
OOC: Words: 380

Rio had a big heart, Caprica had always remembered that about her, or maybe she just wanted to, being rather a demonstrative creature herself and always bestowing her affections on those she loved. The fact that her siblings had taken it from her when they were pups was enough to make her think of them as loving and soft-hearted as she was herself. Not that she thought of them much - they had long ago grown out of the habit of being immediate family. But she liked to think that she, Rio and Lucia had the kinds of relationships that would never change, even after years they would always be able to come face to face and it would be just like the old days, at least between them. Perhaps she was just too damn big an optimist. It was nice to be asked after, though. "Yeah, but it's nothin'. My own fault. Too much hard work and exercise," she groaned, flopping down on a matching sheep rug. "I'm learning to ride horseback. I guess I was wrong to assume the horse does all the work!" The beast could run faster than she, though, which was really the point. Caprica wasn't lazy - she would claim til her dying day, anyway.

But Rio had something on her mind, and it made sense that she had come here to talk about something specific. Caprica nodded and turned an attentive face to her sister, ready to hear whatever she had to say - except for the thing she did bring up. Harlowe. Caprica's face fell, and she drew her knees up to her chin, hugging her arms around them as if for comfort. Sure she remembered her brother, but he wasn't her brother, and not just because he was dead. Harlowe would have been dead to her in soul if he wasn't already in body. "Yeah, of course I do..." Although in some ways she didn't. She remembered a puppy, a beloved brother, innocent playmate - she didn't remember him as he had become. "I wish I didn't." If Rio was looking to share grief or pain, she would not find much in Caprica. She had closed both those things off: her brother deserved neither.


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