lunar eclipse

OOC: To be a youngin' is to learn and I think eclipse should try to watch her mouth lol!!

Word Count → 321

Eclipse blinked, the rudeness of the woman had taken her aback. She didn’t know how to take this, but she knew that it could mean trouble, shifting her weight uncomfortably she frowned a little. The question the woman posed just made Eclipse more confused.... didn’t a peaceful pack WANT to help others if they needed something? Far more than a pack that didn’t want other wolves around, she knew that. She wanted to fold her arms in annoyance but as she had her bow in one it would prove difficult. So instead she brought her free wrist to her hip and leaned to one side, a sure sign of annoyance, though she wasn’t thinking about showing such a sign to a woman who hadn’t said much.

“We can help with a multitude of things ma’am, but seeing as it’s YOU sniffing at OUR borders, I figured you had something in mind.”

Yes this comment could get the girl in big trouble, but the sneer and the glare of the other woman, the way she didn’t seem to take kindly at all just made Eclipse’s anger rise all the more. She was a capable wolf no matter who thought what, but she knew she wasn’t going to have to prove it unless she had to protect her pack, her family or whatever else was being wronged. The woman reminded her of a very sarcastic wolf, who she had met on her journey. That guy she just walked away from but here... now she couldn’t She felt the woman, if left to her own devices would probably do something. Her tail twitched, not a happy sway but an irritated swipe. Though the woman only said few words to Eclipse she was already annoyed. This was due to her lack of discipline and young age, but she wasn’t about to let some old woman talk to her that way.

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