Just a little rest

Cercelee had not noticed how zoned out she had become, staring out into the water her mind had gone blank. She had not noticed the arrival of another until the wolf was charging through the water towards her. Snapping out of her day dream she looked at the wolf, a ebony colored female, and her heart beat a bit faster. She had not run into any Twilight Vale members aside from when she was with Naniko, so what if the others resented her presence? What if the wolf was coming to tell her to leave? Where would she go? Yet the words the other spoke were not angry or demanding, and Cer took a minute to let the small fear that had built up in her slide away. Even if she had wanted Cer to leave, Naniko would have overruled. Yet the female’s voice was full of concern, and her words worried. Cercelee knew she must look like hell, probably worse than she imagined, and she felt embarrassed for that. If she saw another who looked as badly as her, she would be worried as well, especially to find them relaxing on her pack lands.

"No, no, I’m alright." And then she paused, almost feeling the urge to laugh at her own words. Of course she was not alright, but what she meant was that she would be soon. However she did not laugh, did not want the kind stranger to think she was laughing at her. "What I mean is, I’ve gotten help. Naniko has been healing me, that’s why I am here.” That and she didn’t want to face her pack. Didn’t want them to see her broken, ugly body, didn’t want them to develop more anger for the coyote clan than they already carried, for those of Dahlia de Mai that hated the coyotes. "My name is Cercelee, I’m from Dahlia de Mai." Cer smiled politely at the girl as she offered her name and dipped her head as far as she could without causing too much pain. And then, remembering the female had asked what happened, Cercelee sighed. She wouldn’t ignore the question, but she didn’t really like the answer to it either. "I ran into a coyote, and I guess he wasn’t having a very good day and decided to take it out on me." More likely though, the coyote was having a wonderful day and Cercelee just stumbled into the wrong place at the wrong time and she happened to be from the wrong pack.


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