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The simplest of touches from the fae seemed to significantly calm Antykk's nerves. He watched her relax as well, rolling about in the snow like a playful pup. Though a smile could not grace his lips, his expression was visibly calm as he allowed her to nuzzle up against him. She poked his ribs then, and he flinched slightly before glancing down at where she had touched him. As if responding to her tease, his stomach grumbled softly and his ears flattened against his head sheepishly. I suppose I am a little hungry, he admitted.

But he couldn't bring himself to leave the girl's side, even if it was to obtain food. Something about the girl kept him inexplicably tethered to her...and then it dawned on him. Terra was so much like his dear Minna, that he felt as if she were alive and beside him in the place of this funny hybrid. His tail wagged ever so slightly and then drooped again as he suppressed the urge to shower her with kisses, eventually realizing that this girl was not his passed beloved. But perhaps that didn't matter? It seemed as though this canine held his attention well enough without being Minna, and he couldn't help but edge closer to her to fill his senses with her unfamiliar scent once more. His eyes brightened a bit, and finally his maw parted. Tell me, would it be an inconvenience to you to keep the company of an old codger like me? he teased, still not smiling but more relaxed than he had ever been, at least in a long time.

Image courtesy of SilaynneStock

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