This betrayal burns like fire

I'd much rather that you play her just to save the confusion 8D; pp is fine cx

The Russo gave a hearty laugh to his sister's comments. What was home without a Russo there? "Is no kind of home at all." Obviously this particular Russo did not believe such a thing, having found home without someone who was a Russo, and having lived with some level of happiness without any members of his family. Though, he had to admit, that maybe he himself counted as that Russo. Did Anann count, simply because she was mated to him? She did not take his surname and he had not asked her to do so, simply because she was an independent woman. Anann could do what she pleased, he knew what she was to him and he to her, and that was plenty enough for the undemanding Russo.

"Yes, I believe zhat. She is not afraid of very much, zhat woman," he said with much fondness in his low tones. He knew there were truly few things the woman was worried about, though he could name a few she was. His safety, especially when out on the sea without anyone else, was one of those. Another, he knew, was her ability to birth children. For some reason, she feared it all because of a strange coincidence. Her mother and her mother's mother had died in childbirth where both her mother and she, Anann, were born. Anatoliy refused to believe such a thing and tried hard to reassure her that such a thing would not happen while he was there. Thankfully - as guilty as he felt about that feeling - her first litter born of rape had failed and she lost the unborn young. That monster's spawn had no place in the world.

Sadness etched itself on the man's face as his sister's own look and tone fell. Gently, he touched her shoulder in an attempt to be endearing. "I don't know. He did not know vhere you vent. He zhought.. ve zhought zhat you vent off adventuring, not vent back zhere." He could only assume that the two of them had missed each other as they returned and left respectively. It was unfortunate that it was the last they would see of their father, and that greatly saddened the Russo. Their father was not a young man and time was his enemy. Would they truly never see their father again in this mortal plane? Heaving a heavy sigh, Anatoliy let his hand dropped as they resumed their walk to a place deeper in this strange kingdom.

The fact that his mother was so close sent butterflies into his stomach. His anxiety over this meeting had long since faded, having settled into the fact he would not see her ever again. But it seemed that fate was not kind in that regard and the fluttering feeling of nervousness bubbled unpleasantly in his belly. He had enough silence to truly mull over the things his sister had said, as their conversation stilled and they seemed to wait for something. Golden eyes took in the strange rigging that someone had constructed spanning the gap between the mainland and an island. It was of a hefty make, not made of twine. It was a ferry system, that much the Russo understood.

Without a word, the two siblings watched as someone across the watery gap came closer on the ferry raft. Heart racing as he watched the brown figure get clearer and clearer, Anatoliy almost grabbed his sister's hand. But that display of affection was not for two grown adults to display, especially in this strange, savage pack. Who knew what they would think.

Their mother appeared before them, and the hulking Russo furrowed his brows at the woman before him. She gathered up the mushrooms that had tumbled free of a sack. The glint of a golden nose ring caught his eye and his look grew confused. Why on earth would his mother ever get that sort of piercing? It was unlike her. Anatoliy put it from his mind as the joy in his heart welled up in his throat. Verusha did not recognize one of her sons, and the Russo could not help but feel some of that joy falter. "Mama?" he said, tentative, as though she would bolt if startled.

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