You might think

Word Count → 268 :: Out of Character text.

They found a slightly less crowded area of the marketplace, and Sophie was placed on the ground, glad to have Terra there to give her a little space as she dropped her stick and meat and began tearing into it for real. It was such a good side, nice and spiced as Sophie had never had it before, that she completely forgot they were supposed to be looking out for Boothe and Light, her simple, childish mind totally encompassed by tearing apart her ill-gotten meal.

When the stick of meat was gone--at least the meat part--Sophie waddled back a few steps, licking her chops happily. Her entire front, and most of her stomach, were drenched in juices, and some of her fur had clumps of dirt stuck to it from where she'd gone just a little crazy on her meal, but she was quite happy, something easily seen by her distended belly and shining eyes. With a little growl, she attacked the stick left over, and then blinked curiously and looked around at the crowd, chewing on one end of her treat and holding the rest of it between her front paws. "D'you see my Brother?" She asked Terra, and then wrinkled her nose a bit and added a bit more hesitantly, "Or Misser Light? I came with him..." Her eyes looked around as best she could, but she didn't see anything, and finally simply turned back to Terra, her tail wagging and her ears perked. "Hey, s'there anything fun t'do here?" She asked curiously, content for the moment to let her missing caretakers go.

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