[M] Face the Music

gah, ignore this thread and jsut carry on assuming were at the festival... it's screwed because i though it was set in halifax XD

Word Count → 3+

Angel had quite forgot about his meeting with Amy sometime ago, to him it was merely another chance encounter with no strings attached, the way he liked it. He had gone home that night as stoic as ever, passing his sister with a blunt, 'Hola' and heading over to his bed to sit and read, drinking the tea his sister made for him along with the rabbit he had hunted the previous day and that Ana had cooked for them. Angel found it easier to forget things like this, especially as if anyone else had done it he would consider it as a sin in the eyes of God. But as he was one of the special one (to him this wasn't a particularly magical position. Merely it meant that God excuse him from certain things due to his dedication and the Spaniard believed that many people held this rank in the eyes of God) and therefore excusable from his carnal desires. Ana didn't question his morals, she wasn't as devout as him though she still believe as she had been raised to do so.

The Spaniard ceased his silent musing and entered a shop, picking up random bits of rubble as he dug his way through the floor to find the wares the shop once contained. He wasn't looking for anything in particular but from what he had seen so far, it was some kind of toy shop. He bent down and lifted a large piece of ceiling. Under this he found a box, wooden, carved, scratched up slightly from time and nature, but secure none the less. Opening it he found a pristine chess board and little chess pieces, jsut like his father's own, but wooden as opposed to metal. Placing the item in his bag with a dull smile, he exited the shop. Hopefully Ana would be happy and would listen while he taught her to play.

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