Skirting the Edges
<style>@import url(;</style>Jiva Takekuro
Word Count :: 362
OOC: Jiva will jump right in :3

As the sun got lower Jiva started to find his cave searching was going to be cut short and he would just have to sleep in the open. Jiva didn’t really mind that. He had done it before and would do it again, though a cozy cave would have been nice for the night. He liked staying warm and secure, knowing he was hidden from other possible predators. He moved slowly through the mountains, knowing how treacherous they could be. He had smelled a cougar not long ago so he had skirted away from it, knowing any caves would be occupied by one. Just as he was about to give up the search he found one. And it was nice and small too. Moving around the outside of the cave, he held his nose to the ground to make sure it had not been occupied recently. It seemed its last recent visitor had been a fox, but the scent was so old. It might have been used as a nesting for a mother or something. In either case he moved into the cave. This would be his temporary home for now. Making a few scratching motions at the ground he let his scent be known. This was his cave until he decided when he would be leaving.

That was when he heard it. The cry of a cougar, then.... the unmistakable howl of a wolf. This was a wolf in need, and Jiva got up, his heart thumbing. The other wolf was fighting a cougar? He listened for calls of the wolve’s companions, but there was none. Jiva took no time to waste and headed straight for the sounds. His legs pumped, and he hoped he wasn’t too late. He had after all kept away from the scent of a cougar not too long ago. The battle had already started when he came to the scene, and he growled menacingly at the cougar, waiting for a good time to jump in. He was willing to help out another wolf, even a stranger, against these big beasts, who had shown nothing but malice towards wolf kind since the beginning of time.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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Table made by Kitty!

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