Snakes In The Seafoam

OOC / +447

Luckily he did not frighten her, and she nonchalantly leaned against the staff in such a feminine way. But Helotes was not expecting what was to come next from her, as she introduced herself as Omni, and told him that she was Jacinto’s mate. Helotes ears shot forward and eyes widened, Seriously? He asked, his voice pitching up to a high lilt that would only come with surprise. Oh that dog! Jacinto of all people! Though the meekest of the siblings had always been a lover boy, he had remained chaste for most of his life, at least to Helotes’ knowledge. But now, only having arrived little more than a couple moon’s turns ago, he had already claimed himself a bride, and such a beautiful one at that.

Helotes wagged his tail, though inside he was making mental notes on how to torture his brother about not coming to him with this news sooner. It actually was somewhat insulting, that Jacinto would draw the wool over his siblings’ eyes about a new lover. But Helotes could understand, with Columbine’s roughness and the sudden appearance of their sister, it only made sense for Jacinto to keep his private business on the down-low. Well hello then new-sister! It’s too bad I hadn’t known of this sooner otherwise I would have given gifts. I may yet in the future. He took one of her hands in his. Jacinto had made a good choice of mate; she was strong, beautiful, and even had the ruddy muzzle mark of the Lykoi; they would make good children.

Omni then showed him the rough and still raw tattoo on her wrist, and Helotes smiled up at her. How sweet, to mark one’s body to show the whole world who they belonged to. But suddenly, Helotes’ eyes were drawn down to another scar of glistening pink, this one etched into flesh close to her womanhood. His ears dropped at he read the angrily etched “WHORE” in her thigh, and he looked back at up at her worried, Who did that to you? And suddenly he became worried. Jacinto would not do such a thing, but someone with a grudge, an angry ex-lover perhaps. Though such things were done in the heat of the moment without logic, a crime of passion always held some semblance of truth in it. Was indeed then Omni a whore? Helotes wanted to have trust in his brother, that Jacinto would have the smarts to recognize a lady of the night from one who had had a bad encounter one night. But Helotes wasn’t so sure, Jacinto had not always been the most street smart when it came to those things.

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