[m] It Will Only be You
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She had only wanted to dance, not force a display of her superiority to some senseless female. But often when it came to her mate, her intentions were often tossed to the wind to accommodate him though she hardly ever complained, and this instance was of no exception. And what was more was that the Nomad found herself enjoying the display quite a bit. Fitted into a role where she was only meant to show her rank by humble means, it was rare that she allowed her more vicious nature to come through. It came as a thought that she should perhaps thank her mate for reminding her that part of her persona was not lost, or damn him for surfacing it at all.

To her pleasure though, the smaller female finally gained awareness of where she stood between the two, an outsider unwelcome to the things that were too big and complicated for her to understand. X’yrin felt her smile grow when the female wandered off with her tail and ears lowered submissively, no doubt leaving to nurse her wounded pride. Which left the towering pair to deal with each other. The hardened flesh against her backside did not go unnoticed mentally, but physically, she kept herself from acknowledging it.

Rather she inquired, “Were you entertained?” Her voice lacked amusement but was kept at a gentle octave for his ears alone to hear. While her tone was meant to garner his attention, dexterous gloves slipped down along his possessive arms til they grasped the searching hands teasing along her inner thigh. Carefully she intertwined her fingers with his as she learned further back against his warmth and curled her tail around his thigh. “If you wanted my attention, you could have found a more tasteful way of doing so instead of using that poor girl.” Smiling knowingly, she leaned her head back against his shoulder.

In the heat of the mild confrontation, the sound of the band in play had not been forgotten, simply muted for the time being until the Nomad was able to regain her calm. When the legato rhythm was heard soundly again she felt at ease once more, reveling in the impassioned rendition of song as her body began its slow sway in tune.

379 words.


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