Skirting the Edges
<style>@import url(;</style>Jiva Takekuro
Word Count :: 333
OOC: Lol he's not exactly skilled hehe

Jiva had got there in the midst of the fight and it was a whir of blows between wolf and cougar, and Jiva couldn’t find a good time to just jump in. That was until the black male was thrown into him and the man pleaded. How could Jiva say no to such things so as Zalen got up and went after the cougar Jiva waited for her back to be to him, to be entirely distracted and that took seconds as Zalen took a bite out of her flank, Jiva inexpertly growled and ran at the cougars face, trying to go for her neck, but he missed and got her other flank, but at least it was something, and they had teamed up on the creature. Seeing as Jiva was the last to attack it, and quite close, the cougar lashed out at Jiva, who nearly slipped and fell off the steep landing. His heart raced as he recovered this mistake and he counter attacked the beast, trying to find a soft spot on her body, but most of her was pure muscle, there were few soft spots and Jiva only knew that of the prey he killed, not the skilled hunters that haunted the forested mountainous areas. Jiva took his chance at her throat again, but she only defended it, with a far quicker and more agile attack that left a scratch on his nose, yelping he lept pack. He wasn’t the best wolf to come into play but he was a distraction nonetheless, he just hope he would live to tell the tale. The cat lunged at him, dropping him to the ground, she was close to grabbing his face, as he moved to cover his neck, his teeth bared, he instinctively pushed at the cat with his back legs. He caught her midriff which was by far the most squishiest part of her, and kicked her off, or tried to, she was strong and not near a weakling.

Image courtesy of UmbraDeNoapte-Stock

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Table made by Kitty!

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