just go with the season
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OOC: You're fine, I'm no hater <33 || WC +707

Shandom was a breath of fresh air to the young wolf. He was beginning to feel an outsider from the other Souls wolves, wolves who had lived within these lands all their lives. It was a bit disheartening, feeling like an outsider in his own family. But in their defense, the pack was still new and although the bonds of a wolf pack were strong, their own lives were not yet truly intertwined, as even Augustus himself was not quite familiar with the remainder of the pack. Especially the Alphess, Beta, and her mate, but also Deuce’s son- Noah. He had seen the stuttering male in the den the night before, but had not yet gotten the chance to introduce himself. That would come in time, he was sure and he gave his full attention to the elder wolf beside him. He nearly regretted bringing the subject of Terra into the meeting, for there was so much more to discuss and do, but he couldn’t help but remember how she spoke of the male. It had been true what she’d said, they were similar in their own ways.

Augustus allowed a small, yet warm smile to grace his lips as well, comforted by Shandom’s relaxed air. His body eased a bit more as well into a more casual posture, no longer feeling the need to express himself in such a way. The man had gotten the point that they were equal. And Augustus surely did not see the rank of Omega in his future. As am I, he replied amiably, head turning to address him. His brows furrowed when he mentioned the Court, however momentarily. You lived in the Court?…When? No wonder the coy wolf knew him. He was not offended as the male went on. In fact, he agreed with him whole-heartedly. I admit I was perturbed the very minute I set foot on the border.He replied shamelessly. It was Strelein who met me…wearing the very…contraptions you speak of. He nodded slightly while saying. It was very off-putting. If it hadn’t been for Caspa I wouldn’t have even been there, and even deciding in the first place was a struggle. I almost lost hope of finding a place like this. His eyes swept the valley below them. Meeting Zalen, couldn’t have come at a better time.

I took no offense, brother. I agree with you. He reassured. Ahh, Terra. He sighed slightly. He did owe it to her. Well.. He started. She was the first one to meet me when I arrived here. I wasn’t in..the best shape. He spoke haltingly, remembering. She cleaned my wounds. He turned his head so the scars were visible to the white male. They were a gift from my father. His voice was almost bitter for a moment, but he shrugged it off. The entire journey here was rough for me. I lived in a pack all my life, and not only that the cuts kept reopening. She scrounged up a meal for me…I wasn’t the most gracious. His gaze lowered to the ground a moment. But still, she didn’t mind. I owe it to her for what she did for me. I met her in the Court later. She’s a bit…odd. He chuckled a couple notes. but I’m not exactly a charmer either… It felt good to speak so openly. Had it been anyone else he might have retrained himself, or muttered, but he was confident when speaking to this male- his new brother from the North.

His own belly hungered, and he could smell the deer near-by as well, he’d been scouting the local herds the previous day, and he tried hard to recollect what he knew of these in particular. He’d found an elk doe with a limp, but the deer he wasn’t so certain of. He was sure the male beside him was pondering their course as well, and was hopeful that he may accompany him to investigate even further. He broached the subject himself, more than eager to demonstrate his strength, for these were large prey, his favorite. His strength and mass gave him an advantage here, as opposed to smaller, quicker prey. With a predatory smile he glanced at the male. Hungry, brother?

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