Loneliness and alcohol

Derp yeah, somewhere around there. xD ^^; Whichever's easiest for you! :: Word Count → 305

Not far off Drakien could hear the sounds of the festival, all the voices rising and circling about each other, and he smiled to himself as he hummed along, his ears pricked for the sounds of anyone approaching. For a long while there was no one, leaving the Romani man in peace. He examined some of the jewelry he'd picked up a bit more closely. There were a few earrings among the bunch, though when he examined them closer the studs appeared to have lost their stones. That was alright, though; he supposed he could just go down to the jeweler's tent and see if they could be filled with glass. Or traded for different earrings; for now, they would work.

He'd just begun to select a needle and measure out where his new earring would go when he heard someone coming, the sounds of tools and merchandise clanking together along with the clop, clop of hooves approaching making him pause. He glanced up, pinching the base of his right ear between two fingers and holding the end of a long, thin needle in the other. The male approaching looked as colorful as any Romani he'd met, and Drakien blinked slightly in surprise before a grin blossomed across his face. "Indeed I do," He said in answer to the address, and let go of his ear, his entire body relaxing somewhat as he relieved himself of the expectation of pain.

Glancing curiously over the male's wares, he set the needle down beside the others and rose to his feet, brushing his knees off as he did so. "It seems you've got quite the haul yourself, tovarăş." He said, and then moved forward a bit and offered a hand, his grin not fading in the list. "Drakien Lusk, pleasure to meet you. D'you need a hand?"

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