Would you be?


Her mood seemed to be foul as he was shaken violent by her paw, which seemed to grab an exposed braided strand and then proceeded to yank him forward. It wasn’t the jerk that caused another sharp intake of air, or his hair being pulled, but the pelt irritating the wounds he didn’t register having until now. Blues looked at her even though he really just wanted to rip off whatever it was sticking to him, and deal with the consequences as they were. He gave her credit for her reaction, admiring the speed and strength she had struck out at him with but he also wanted her tender and gentle paws to help him out with the problem he had.

“Ill open the shop if you get water for Charlemagne, but first, please please please, get this thing off my back. I’ll have to remember to wear my armor next time we stay up so late” he said in gest even though his face showed no stupid grin. What had been a wonderful evening had turned into something alien to him, half of him had expected her to just curl back up into his arms and fall back asleep so they could enjoy it. But they did have responsibilities to keep, and as much fun as the previous night had been they still needed to get busy.

It didn’t occur to him that he was forgetting something very important though, something he should have done a long time ago. His mind slowly wrapped around what had led to the night activities and his blues looked back at her with a gentle smile. Even in his current state, he couldn’t bring himself to be mad at her. Not when he had more plans for his stunning mate later in the day.

Image courtesy of Frau Böb@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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