In this cold I can see my breath.


For a moment Zalen felt guilty for breaking Orin’s reverie; she had been so intently looking at the snowy landscape of New Dawn that he had almost caught his words as he had spoken them. But she seemed glad to expound further on what little he knew of her past, telling him that she had been born in a place called Florida and that there had been no packs there. This fascinated Zalen, for the concept of Luperci living in even more human like environments than the ones here in Nova Scotia was so far beyond him that he would not even dare to try and imagine it. Then she spoke a name, Niro, and he realized it was the second time she had spoken it. Could it be the same Niro he had met in Halifax? I met a man named Niro. He was a bird man, had an eagle and hawk with him if I’m not mistaken. I do believe he said he was a member of the Court. He smiled at her, how funny it would be that he had chanced upon Titania’s uncle before she was even a scent on the wind.

The two of them came into the clearing that was just outside the dagger caverns and Orin seemed eager, thinking that perhaps this was the Den. She then asked if Titania would be inside and Zalen shook his head, No, this is but the largest of a system of caves we have here. The den is still further off and your daughter should be there. So they continued onward, when Orin spoke about how sometimes she would feel as if the life she lead here were not much better than the dangerous one she lead in Florida and Zalen’s ears drooped. Orin obviously had some darkness in her past that was keeping her from true happiness and Zalen could more than relate. It was only until recently that he had felt the same, the weight of the death of his mother hanging over everything he did, the hate he felt tinting every encounter he had. But with Titania’s love and Soran as a surrogate, he had finally let it go, and it was the most freeing sensation in the world.

Putting a hand on her shoulder again he frowned at her, not disapprovingly but understandingly, You do not trouble me. I am an Alpha and take on all the burdens of my pack-mates, you are no exception. I’ve had troubling times myself, and I find the best way to be rid of the dark is to speak of it. You will always have a trustworthy confidant in me. He then gave her a reassuring smile. He was then again sad that she would not join New Dawn, she would be very happy here.

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