Just a little rest
I hate my allergies >< Damn you Zyrtec start working *shakes fist*
wc 323

Insieme. Wow, she had almost forgotten about that place. She had been there for such a short amount of time, and had only met one of the wolves there. She had become so involved in Twilight Vale that it felt to her that when she joined here was when things started for her on this continent. "Yes! Insieme! That was actually the first place I ended up! I washed up on a shore that was part of their territory, and it was their alpha male who found me on the beach. I don't know what happened to them either. Guiseppe, he was the alpha, carried me to a house to recover and when I woke up one morning I couldn't find anyone. I wasn't able to fend for myself so I traveled west along the coast until I came here." Savina had wondered what had happened to Guiseppe and whatever other wolves lived in that pack. It was so weird, it seemed as though they had just disappeared into thin air. Thinking about how she felt when she had washed up on shore made her realize how much she had improved. The wolf had been in really bad shape when she arrived here.

Thinking of when she first came to Twilight Vale and met Naniko made Savina think about the fire that the Andromeda had told her about. She wondered if Cercelee had endured that tragedy as well. The ebony female thought about bringing it up, but decided best not to. This ivory wolfess was going through enough turmoil without bringing up such a horrible event. "So have you spent all of your life here? I think I've heard that some wolves travel around. I know some Italian wolves must, because there was Insieme here and that boat I came over on. I'm not sure though, my pack stuck mostly to the forests and avoided the towns that most Italian luperci live in."


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