Look at me now!
WC: 360

The male wolf paced slowly awaiting his parents. He was lucky to have so much family and a large pack. His mind was for the majority of his pacing, occupied by Duece. She hadn't seen him in almost two months. Question upon question raked at his mind as he thought about his mother. One question stood out above all the others: What if she didn't want him? The thought pained the young adult, this was the mother he had had the longest since his blood parents were killed and Lucifer was the only father figure after Ares. Both had raised him from an old pup, into a young man. suddenly he stopped and dropped his pack to the ground, a sweet smell came to him and Duece appeared.

Suddenly, he was very glad he had dropped his new backpack for now he was ingrossed in a tight hug. "I'm so proud of you, Jazper! You've grown up so much!" A large smile appeared over the dark males worried face. He hugged his white mother back, he was now taller then her in their shifted forms. He matched the size of Lucifer foot per foot and he would still grow for a few more months yet. He pulled away from his mum and took her hand in his, her once large hands seems small and fragile in his. Had he really grown so much? "Mum! I missed you so much! There's so much to catch up on!" He motioned to the restaurant, "Care for a drink, my treat. And my first drink." He added as he walked into the still fancy looking place. He looked at the large wall of whine and looked up and down, not knowing which one to choose. His golden eyes turned to the white she-wolf, "What do you recommend? Oh, and Lucifer may or may not be joining us. After all, he's still my father no matter how much he hurt you. He told me about what he did to you mum, i promise he'll behave as long as I'm here." He turned to Duece and walked over to her kissing her on the cheek.

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