Something Just for You
Various assorted colors c: pretty much any of the rainbow.

Insomnia watched through red eyes as the woman poked through her things and selected two scarves, one an icy blue and the other a lovely ochre. The female inwardly smiled; the trade was started and the woman appeared hooked with the scarves. As she started to put things back in her bag, the furs of badger and marten were pulled out and displayed. Briefly forgetting her packing, the purple-garbed woman took the furs and felt them, then draped them over her shoulders -- much to Armsaim's disdain. As the cat hissed, the jackayote hissed back in response. Removing the fur, Insomnia nodded. "It is very nice furs. Thank you."
But as she packed her things up completely, the pale noticed a rather fine knife. She picked it up and held it carefuly, then glanced at the woman. "Is there anything I am having that is worth this?" she asked, gesturing towards the bag. There might be something that was worth the knife. The jackayote was sure of it, though her surety was based on the fact she really wanted the dagger.

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