lover's embrace
465 WC

Imhotep smiled looking at her. She was really cute when she was pretending to be a home figure. He had never had this kind of kindness from anyone so the feelings he seemed to have been more of adoration. She and he had this weird sort of understanding and respect for one another. He wasn’t sure what it was about the darker woman that made him just want to know her. He looked at her as she moved around the little room. He took in a deep breath as he took in the wonderful scents that surrounded the room.

“It smell good, I still want to do gift for you” Imhotep said his Arabic accent laced his speech as he moved himself towards that table. Imhotep pulled a seat out for her and then moved slowly around the table looking at it. Here it was so different. He never thought to sit at a table he was a servant of his father and he was a lesser being and was to eat on the floor like a lowly dog. He look up at her lightly with his honey gold eyes. He hoped to be able to spend more time with her and learning about his home.

Odessa started to set the table and fill the plates with food and Imhotep looked at the things she had that he had never seen before. The green and orange things made him question her cooking. Was she trying to feed him poison? Sniffing them he looked up at her and gave her a funny look. “What dis?” he questioned as he slid into his seat. He knew what the meat was but the other things were he didn’t know.

He watched as she moved away and came back and Imhotep smiled. He took the fork and picked it up. Though he was not very skilled with it because his father loved to torment him and watch him eat off the floor. He was not destined to lead ever he was destined to be a lowly piece of dirt upon the floor. He looked up at her and began to eat more tasting the vegetables that he had never had before. They were ok he made a bit of a face as he looked up and her and smiled. He tried that traditional meal she had made and really began to enjoy it.

He finished his and sat there waiting for her to finish. He wanted to share a gift with her and hoped that she liked it. “I have a gift for you. Because you put faith in me.” He spoke looking at her. “Its in my bag.” He locked his golden orbs with her pumpkin ones and smiled she would always be a good friend to him.

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