Rolling Hills Call Away

OOC salright, Terra doesn't actually know either. Just knows that it's easier to talk guys into doing what she wants

A goofy look broke out on the young male's face. Terra giggled slightly at the sight, tail wagging happily. She was enjoying the light chat, with the border between them keeping her from going crazy with need. If she was invited in, however, it was a whole other game. Which meant, of course, that Terra was now extremely tempted to see if she could get inside and take a look around the pack lands. They were fairly close after all, and they'd just discovered their packs had relatives in each other. Not that it meant much in the long run, pack coming before family in such a situation. Still, the thought was there.

Terra burst into full out laughter at his forest joke. It wasn't fantastic, but she couldn't resist. He was such a goofy guy, Terra's tail wagging lazily behind her. It was funny knowing a bunch of family named after trees. Idly she wondered what traits they had to deserve such a thing. Trees had never struck her as anything beyond solid, always tripping her up, occasionally a cool place to rest under in the summer. Perhaps they were rather solid creatures? That fit Alder, with his shy quiet nature. She grinned softly as he joked about his brother. Behaving? I don't believe we know the same wolf! She winked at him before lying down, her eyes silently asking for an invitation.

Let the night take you away

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