[joining] marching on

Stables. Horses. That did sound an awful lot like Alder, Trent had to admit. He nodded feebly, figuring he'd go and see Alder soon. He nodded again at the rest of her information, not entirely sure what to do with it all, and hoped that she'd give a suggestion of where they would go first rather than asking him to choose, because he didn't know.

Luckily she asked him about what sort of dwelling he'd prefer then. He figured she meant den. She talked about 'buildings', though, and Trent figured they had to be the kind of places that he'd seen around Halifax city. He hadn't seen them at his old home, but there appeared to be quite a lot of them around here. Buildings, ah... Those are the... Square sort of, tall... Things, right? You... Live in them? Trent spoke uncertainly, and was embarrassed that he needed to ask these kind of things. It was evident that he was not used to this way of life, on two rather than on four legs, and the fact he was in his lupus form presently attested to that.

I... I think I'd like that place where the others stay. Even though Trent was not very social, he didn't want to be isolated, either. He figured he could always move, or find some den somewhere if he wanted to. Expectantly he glanced at Caspa, waiting for her to lead the way to wherever they went; he hoped that hotel she'd mentioned, so he knew where he could stay.


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