M - we were drawn from the weeds

Word Count :: 430 OOC

Helotes could hear Vesper mumbling, but wasn’t fully paying attention to what she was saying. But then, he felt the warmth of her body as she leaned back onto the frost bitten ground with him, agreeing that indeed the stars were lovely that night. They laid in silence for a moment, but then she reached out and touched him. Helotes would have flinched otherwise at the soft touch, but had lost the ability to do so in his inebriated state. Instead, he looked over at Vesper as she said that she was glad to have him as a friend. He could have kissed her then, Vesper with her boyish good looks and ruffled hair, but he wasn’t drunk enough to do that yet. Instead he smiled and reached over to ruffle her choppy mop, Good, I’ve wanted to be friends like forever now.

It took a moment but Helotes finally righted himself on the log, his backside now covered in frost in dirt. He twisted, desperately trying to brush it off; he hated being dirty. Then he grabbed the bottle again where Vesper had left it leaning against the log and took a small swig. The Vodka was getting low, only about a third of the bottle left. What a shame, but they were lucky it was such strong stuff. But Helotes made a mental note that he best find a way to restock his supply sooner rather than later.

He turned and offered Vesper a hand to pull her back up onto the log, You know, I’ve always thought you were sexy. But I’ve got this funny feeling about you now… He burped a bit before continuing, I don’t stand a chance in hell with you do I? He grinned stupidly then. It wasn’t that he believed Vesper was angry with him and therefore would never want any kind of romance, but he had a feeling that the scarred coyote held absolutely no attraction to him. He had felt this way for some time now and he hoped she might enlighten him.

He clumsily pushed the bottle into her paws again and his eyes trailed over to the mansion which glowed just a ways away. It was too bad too that Vesper had no interest in him, for had she been any other female he most likely would have bedded her that night. His sheets had been chilly and lonely as of late, Helotes not having wooed any ladies in the fervor of his training. But now the loneliness was beginning to drain him; he needed a woman’s warmth.

Image courtesy of Brujo+; Table by the Mentors!

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