In this cold I can see my breath.


This poor woman was like a chalice that held her pain like water. Zalen could tell from the moment he had offered her the service of confidentiality that she would not hesitate to take him up on it. Therefore, there was only a short veil of silence before she let forth her darkness into the bright light of the world. Zalen listened, enraptured, his heart beating like a drum as Orin spoke of her pains.

She spoke first on the murder of her son, Titania’s litter-mate. How terrible a world it was were a pup could be stolen in the night as if it was a scrap of meat. But it wasn’t just pups, oh no, his mother had been stolen in the same way. Though it was nearly a year ago that this occurred, based on Titania’s age, it was a scar that Zalen was certain burned constantly across Orin’s heart. He tightened his grip on her hand as she continued, in an encouraging way.

Then a story he wasn’t expecting, a deep and dark secret that Zalen, despite his exhortation, could never truly understand as a male. Orin had been raped, raped while her babes lie in hiding nearby. Zalen could not help but to lift a lip, revealing sharp teeth as his face twisted in anger and dismay. What low and vile creature could possibly lay hands upon a woman that was not his own? Oh if only Zalen could have been there. He had never murdered someone before, but there were things that just called on violence as a punishment.

She spoke that the man who had accosted her was named Lucifer, and Zalen’s ears peaked at this. Lucifer… where had he heard this name before? He tried to wrack his brain as to where he had heard it, when Orin herself brought him the answer; Noah. So it seemed Noah had taken her in in Phoenix Valley, a pack that no longer exited, but that Lucifer was the father of Taliesin, the man in Cercatori that caused Orin distrust. But Noah had mentioned Lucifer before hadn’t he? Zalen had heard it on the wind when he had rushed in to find Deuce with her jaws around Noah’s throat. What had they said about Lucifer?

Then, it struck him; Lucifer, if he remembered correctly, was Noah’s father. Oh what a horrible, twisted web fate could weave. Not only now did New Dawn hold the son and former lover of an evil man, but that man had raped Zalen’s mate’s mother. Oh horrors of horrors! What would Zalen do with this knowledge. His face set into deep and dark concentration, What you have told me, has caused me a pain. Noah and his mother now live in New Dawn with us, I am sure you will see them. This dark man, Lucifer… it seems he now had ties in my pack. Zalen glared at the snow as he walked. Why did the past of his pack mates keep cropping up in such horrid ways?

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