Keep Both Eyes On...
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When it came to matters of disciplinary action, the woman was about as inexperienced as they came. While she depended on the examples portrayed by her Shepard, she could hardly think of an occasion where she witnessed him dealing punishment on another… at least not a kind of reprimand for trespassing. The Nomads had no true boundaries being a people that never settled in the same place for too long save for the mating season. There was nothing for her to relate this situation to and for once was forced to rely upon her own thoughts.

As to what she had expected to become of this encounter, she could not rightly say. Perhaps an assurance that this conduct would not take place again, that would have been enough to put her at ease. And yet, there was a part of her that was not satisfied with such a benign act of discipline. A scolding and nothing more. While it fit Ichika’s ways she questioned herself as to whether or not it would be enough of a lesson to really stick to the boy. Would a word do? Was that really all it took for engrave the point in his mind? Her brows creased in thought, strangely not appeased by her own ideas.

“Obviously his placement in your ranks was not enough,” she thought aloud, her voice distance as though it were but a remnant of itself. “I harbor no ill will on Noah, even with his abandonment from Ichika… but I fear there is a misconception regarding our pack, if he believes he can waltz onto our lands without suffering a consequence.” Her voice steadily regained its strength as her words became less of a thought and more a coherent concept needing to be spoken. “We are fortunate Zalen, sir, but unless there is some amendment to our alliance, we are as you say neighbors… and not an extension of the same pack. Regardless of his past affiliation with Ichika, even the mate he left behind, he is no longer a part of those lands and he needs to be reminded of this.” With newfound conviction, she lifted her head. “Make an example out of him to your pack. Show not only him what will happen, but to the rest of your pack as well what will happen should they knowingly breach another’s border.

“I suggest a temporary exile… no more than a few days on his own to remind him of how fortunate he is to have a pack to call home. An example of what he could be his future…or anyone’s future if they chose to take another’s generosity too lightly, being that of an Alpha-“ politely she dipped her head to the onyx male “-or a neighbor.” A permanent exile from the rank would have been too harsh by anyone’s perspective, but a temporary abandonment seemed suitable for one who was obviously inclined to taking too fortune for granted, at least as far as she could see. And with his weakened stature and disfigurement, it was hopeful that the struggle alone would have been enough to shake some sense into him. Exploitation of one’s weakness was perhaps not the kindest approach, but as she learned countless times through her Shepard, it was the best and quickest way to learn and correct one’s errs.

556 words.


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