[M] Touched for the very first time
.: WC 398:.

And she had gone exactly where he thought she would; back to Avalon, the place where they had first met. Bursting out of the trees to be bathed in silver moonlight, the woman stopped abruptly and turned to see if she could spot her mate coming after her, but he was not there. There was not a sound of pursuit, but she had been sure he was savvy to the game. She only had a brief moment to wonder what was going on before Zalen sailed out of the foliage at her side, tackling her to the ground. Despite how rough their play might seem, Titania was still a wolf even when in Optime form, and as she was brought to the ground under her mate's sneak attack she yelped, and when she bumped to the ground in the packed snow she only laughed softly and wriggled as if to free herself. But getting away in Optime form was harder, for there were fingers that could grasp onto you and arms that could bear hug you tightly. She was all too happy to give in to her fate, and twisted so she was facing the man on top of her.

“You caught me,” she breathed as she reached up, entwining her fingers at the back of his neck, in the thick ruff of his mane. “You are the perfect hunter, and I am your prize.” She nuzzled into him and gave his face a few gentle licks, then laid back on the snow. Avalon was still and wondrous all around them, the waterfall singing its song in the background, and the snow glittered brilliantly in the starlight. Her fiery red curls spread out over the snow, encircling her in crimson.

Her hands started to wander again, moving down around his shoulders, she felt his broad chest, slipped her hands up under his arms around to his back again, and then down to the small of his back. Though she lay on her back on the ground, she arched her body; somewhere deep within the instinct to know what to do was growing, though it would be a long time yet. One leg came up and wrapped around his, rubbing against him gently.

“My love, when we...” she said, breaking her words while she kissed him. “When it's time... let's be here... Promise me here.”

Table by the Mentors!

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