All that glitters is gold.


The festival had been winding down for him, the trading had been fun for the first few days or weeks but otherwise the new had slowly wound down and he had become bored of most of it. Today would be the last day he was attending, unless X’y wanted him to come back and dance which he wouldn’t turn down. But for now he was dressed in his armor, his stance as he walked along the fairgrounds. The behemoth was indeed wandering aimlessly, having not met many people he had already known. Overall it had been a pleasant experience, one that he would look back on.

Blue eyes wandered along all the multitudes of patrons, bored and ready to return home. But those blues fell upon a curious looking woman, her hair colored pink; well until it flowed into yellow. It seemed a stain across her otherwise perfect white fur. It wasn’t until his curiosity got the better of him and he walked closer before he remembered somewhere in the past having met this girl once. An eyebrow arched as he walked closer, clearing his throat to gain her attention.

“You look much too lonely for being such a beautiful woman, Orin isn’t it?” he inquired, hoping he had remembered her name correctly. The great beast crossed his arms as he leaned against a set of railing, appraising the way she seemed to carry herself. If he had known any better he would have guessed she carried herself in such a fashion to attract loads of attention. But being a faithful mate, he didn’t give the impression he was seeking anything of that nature.

“I take it you are still in the Art pack?” he said with a gentle tone.

Image courtesy of Frau Böb@Flickr; table by the Mentors!

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