Let it last, let it burn
She lifted her chin as she listened to Orin, as she watched the woman. Her time reading the body language of other canines worked in her favor as she watched, her mind almost clinically detached. Orin was anxious, worried, scared. She was hopeful and excited, and trying to keep herself from begging. Or at least that was how it seemed to the Soul bred female. Blue eyes watched carefully, her fingers stilling on the feather for a moment.

After a silent moment, she spoke. "I swear I will come back, Orin. I will come back and I will speak the truth. I'm not afraid of him, or of your leader. I'm not afraid of retaliation." She actually laughed then, and continued. "I have yet to meet anyone I'm actually afraid of, really." She sobered then, and continued. I will come back, and I will help you reveal the truth. I swear it by the light of Rhiannon."[/b]

That was the most solemn oath she could swear. She had lost the right to swear by Odadio's ravens when she'd left Catalyst, but swearing on Rhiannon's name was a very solemn vow, one she would never break lightly or easily. She touched the raven feather again, wishing for a moment she had never left Catalyst. And yet, she was glad in a way, glad to get away from the demons and the darkness, of the lies and the backstabbers.


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