Sometimes I find myself wondering
Skoll Haskel


The white and ginger cat flew up onto the tan wolf’s shoulder, startled by the young wolfdog’s appearance, and likewise Skoll was startled by the noise. He leaped back, ears lowering as the cat hissed at him like a snake, and fell down onto his rump in his attempt to backpedal away from the towering wolf and agitated feline. He’d only wanted to say hi! Maybe he’d been a little surprised by the sight of the critter, and maybe he wouldn’t say no to chasing the cat around the barn a few times for fun, but there wasn’t a mean bone in the boy’s body. He huffed then glanced up into blue eyes set in a dark mask.

Alder’s explanation and raised paw made the child frown, and he rose to all fours once more with another sharp glance at the orange-spotted kitten. “Didn’t mean to scare ’im,” Skoll mumbled, the tail once curled over his back now falling against his hocks. “I didn’t wanna eat him!” he added with horror, green eyes wide as he glanced at the creature. Perhaps if he had grown up around less humanized luperci, he might have seen the cat as prey rather than a companion. It still wasn’t the same as a proper wolf to him, but he could tell that it wasn’t food, only something to pester at worst. But with the Marshall protecting it, even that thought didn’t cross his mind.

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