Coffee and donuts!
<style>@import url(;</style>Titania Moonsong

burning the ground, I break from the crowd
I'm on the hunt I'm after you

strut on a line, it's discord and rhyme


Word Count :: 763

She yipped her excitement, her trilling voice echoing throughout the pack's quarters, but she didn't care. He let her play, tugging him for a short moment before he got up in the peculiar way that he did. He was in his Optime form yet still the gallant man still made himself look oh so much like a true wolf. She admired the way he padded on all fours, even in what was normally a bipedal body. She doubted she could do the same in her own if she tried, and she was more than happy to remain in her wolf shape.

His large hand came up to paw at her and swiped over her head, but with quick reflexes she ducked down, her nails skittering quickly on the stone as she slipped aside. There was so much play in her now that she couldn't hold it in if she tried. He moved for the entrance of the den and she pranced up behind him, nipping at his butt just before he moved outside with a few large bounds.

“Ha-ha!” She boasted triumphantly as she pranced out of the den after him. “What's the matter? Can't take it?” Though his lunge away from her had only been a matter of timing, she couldn't help but heckle her lover a bit.

She left most of the initial decision making to him, for he was a far more practiced hunter than she was, yet she still trotted to the edge of the trees and prodded at the crisp morning air with her snout, trying to guess which way he would go. She was getting better at this, and to her delight he moved off in the direction her eyes had turned to in decision just a second before. “Hey, good choice,” she joked as she took off after him, soon falling into step at his side.

Where his strides were long and smooth, hers were quick and sprite like. They made quite the pair, they always did, but even more so now with the form that Zalen lumbered through the woods in. Comfortable within the home that they created, sometimes something would catch Titania's eye every now and then and she would stop to inspect a sight or a smell, but Zalen would only get a few paces ahead of her before the thudding of fast paws came up behind and she was prancing at his side again.

Her body and silvery white fur made sleek lines as she moved, as though she were part water elemental. Her shoulders and back stayed nearly at the same level the whole time, almost motionless even as her legs worked to draw her forward. Staring ahead for a moment, her maw parted and her pink tongue lolled out as she began to pant, even in this snowy climate. Oh, she was a wonderful illustration of her species, the Tundra wolf.

He deposited a kiss on her muzzle and she made a happy little rumble, turning her wolfish grin upon him. “And you are a dapper king,” she said, using the word 'king' only in the most playful sense. She dodged to the side, bumping into his shoulder and probably not even making him wobble in his balance, playfully nipping at his ear and trying to keep walking forward as she did so.

They were close to Deer Lake by this time, though, and the scent of buck filled her nostrils and distracted her from her game. She faced forward, remembering the solemn business of filling her belly, and her entire body too on the same demeanor. A serious soldier she now was. They broke the trees shortly after, the glistening lake now in sight. She lifted her head, putting her nose to the wind in another attempt at surveying their surroundings and trying to learn what Zalen already knew; how to find and track their prey.

“What is it today, my love?” She asked, now dropping her nose to the ground and sniffing at some invisible thing. “I scent the buck, he is strongest. But I also scent the crown...” She had a way of making up names for things and replacing their true names with her own, and she often used 'crown' and 'moose' interchangeably. She lifted her head and turned bright eyes to her mate. “We can't fell him on our own, though, can we? Not unless he is sick or trapped...” She was looking to him for confirmation, hoping that she was learning the animals and their strengths accordingly.

image from dawnthieves; code template by kitty; table by raze

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