praying to the wrong piece of wood

grr, weird post.

Aemon's grin broadened at his brother's mention of the noise, his features squinted and ears held back, trying to keep out some manner of volume. It didn't really help. The screeching was awful, almost enough to be funny. Ithiel's shouting voice barely rang above their tenor. As quickly as he'd arrived on the scene, he wanted to get away from it. Aemon wanted to converse with his brother casually, not scream over the high alarms of the black birds. He was just as disgusted with their behavior, and he glanced down at the bracelet of large fish, counting each before deciding he could spare one more for the birds and tossing it over.

Ithiel seemed to like Inferni as much as Aemon; it was a different place, and not bad by any means. It was just a matter of adjusting, and so far, he'd been doing just fine. The few faces of Inferni he'd spent time to learn had been nothing but kind to him, albeit with that familiar, chilly distance ever still. A dexterous silver fingers reached out to take Ithiel's shoulder, hoping to move their conversation downwind from the raucous for a while. His brother had news, it seemed, and the Vigiles lowered his head, ashen coyote-ears expectant for the words.

It was the cousins he spoke of, and Aemon knew there were many. Yes, yes, he thought, nodding his brother along, face full of consternation, the worry now building. At the word, wolf, Aemon couldn't help but growl, stepping away from the closeness of his brother to stalk around in an angry circle. "No," he cursed, "it can't be." Other children?! The idea of wolfen kin made color rise to his face and ears. It was an idea he could not entertain, and it made him furious to think of it. Anger flashed through scarlet slits and he wheeled, returning to his brother with questions, demands. "Where did they come from? What did they look like?" Aemon's mind reeled; what if these wolf-brothers lived near? What then? What if Gabriel is with them? he thought, feeling hurt at the thought, slate ears firmly planted to his skull as he thought deeply, posture stiff as he played with a cord of his own hair. He must seek out these blood traitors who dare show their faces here. It all made him irate, not to mention confused. Aemon had thought Gabriel to be a better man than that.

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