a foot upon the watchtower


Word Count → 000

'Yes' she said, giving further assurance. When the questions came a irritated twitch at the tip of her tail began to move when nothing else did. The movements were slow, like a grandfather's clocks pendulum. 'It is a long story' she stated, however it wasn't the end of what she was intending to say. In all honesty, her situation was non of his business, but Io wasn't stupid. She bit her tongue and answered. 'In Anathema. It was a... mutual agreement that it would be better if I settled them elsewhere' Io noted with a soft, almost sorrowful smile. True it was a vague, partly untrue answer, but she hadn't left for no reason. Aeron had told her to go, and go she did. She didn't leave with any more outbursts than had already happened. Actually her leave was almost ghostlike.

'I understand she replied plainly, though behind her Dymtr sneered at the fact his mother was spoken down to, well almost. But then again he didn't understand grown up things much. Listening she nodded, 'That is an abandonment you have there indeed' she agreed, 'Though I am sure there were reasons'. Her eyebrow raised slightly, 'If you need certain verification I can gladly escort you to my family? They will vouch for me in sure' she offered with a smile, naturally she assumed Aeron and Leon would dash her attempts, but Io didn't suppose it'd go that far.

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