Floating on air

OOC here! :: Word Count → 298

Drakien sat back as Terra began painting for herself, watching the symbol she made curiously and then ducking as she flicked her hand and paint splattered toward him. He dodged the majority of it, but a splash of blue splattered across his face, catching her attention. He chuckled a bit as she attempted to lick it away, only to reel back at the taste. He wiped at it with his fingers, wrinkling his nose a bit, and then shrugged. "At least my fur isn't white. It'll wash." He dipped his own fingers in the green paint and moved them to an area mostly unoccupied by paint, where he dabbed at the paper carefully. Then, moving slowly and careful not to smudge the symbol, he drew a circle, run through with a line, and then a hook coming down through the bottom of the ring, rather like a J overlapping an O. It wasn't anything meaningful, really, just something he'd seen hanging off Baba's neck once, and it had caught his attention.

She'd told him it was a sign of protection, something to be worn rather like the Eye was, and she'd had quite a bit of that sort of jewelry. He wondered if anyone here would sell it, or if he'd have to try and craft it on his own; a carver could, he supposed, but for a charm against evil, it was rather a bad idea to use anything less durable than metal. Shaking the thoughts away, he lifted his wet fingers from the paper, and then gave Terra a sly glance before lunging at her, smearing her neck with his paint-covered fingers.

"That'll be rather hard to get out, though." His handsome devilish grin was rather amusing to see, considering how childish he was being.

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