tell me no more stories and I'll tell you no lies
Jasper stopped just inside the building, taking a moment to look around the innards to try and find a place to start. There were old rickety looking boxes stacked here and there, large pieces of foreboding looking metal equipment, and so much dust that Jasper was certain he could get lost in it if he swept it all up in to one giant pile. The large metal things, which looked to much like machines to Jasper, were something that he would avoid at all costs. He'd heard horror stories of people who had gotten caught in such things back in Europe, normally ending with them getting stuck and dying or losing a limb or three.

He was just about to make his way to the first stack of boxes when suddenly the warmth of a touch hit him and instantly arms were around him. "Laurie?" But before the young male could get the name out the being was nuzzling him, speaking. Jasper froze then, certain that it was not Laurent who touched his so. The burlap sack hit the ground then and Jasper was almost certain he would go deaf from the sound of his own heart pounding in his ears.

"N-n-no..I'm fine.." Jasper answered almost squeakily, his voice shaky and quiet. It was an ignorant answer, as if the stranger would just say "Oh, okay.." and leave him to his business. Jasper knew better though, knew that it likely wouldn't be that simple, and that he was possibly in more trouble in that single moment than he had ever been in before.


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