Floating on air


Her words lit a grin on the gypsy's face. Please with the result Terra's tail swayed, only to be disappointed as he turned her down with a small laugh. She was quite serious with her words, though Drakien didn't seem to think so. It was almost as if he believed that Terra didn't want what she was asking for. Maybe if she dressed up and stripped he'd get the message. It would be very difficult to ignore her then. Half caught in the fantasy Terra came back to reality with a drop as he replied, saying he'd never get rid of the shirt.

He finished off the shirt, and Terra grinned, believing his attention would return to her now. Instead he stretched out on the bare patch where the grass stuck through. His eyes were distant, showing him far away from where they were. Terra sighed, her tail drooping a little. Holding his attention was very difficult indeed. Terra nudged his hand before laying her head across his chest, quietly listening to his heartbeat. Her eyes partially closed Terra relaxed. Where are you? Her hand lazily traced patterns into his fur.

Let the night take you away

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