The drums of war
Adelle stood still as frantic licks washed over her body. A descendant of warriors, Adelle already had stopped complaining about such things, though she didn't hold still for it, fidgeting around as the giant tongue washed over her, soaking her face with slobber. Despite her effort a small whine escaped her, though she quickly cut it off. She was tough, just like her grandpa. His nose buried into her fur, and Adelle happily nuzzled in, enjoying having him to herself. He was always busy running pack stuff, though he still took time to see the family. It did mean that time with Grandpa was a treat for the small pup though.

His answer wasn't one she'd expected. Adelle's eyes widened with surprise as she was told her grandpa didn't actually know the answer to something. He always knew everything though. Another lick was given before Grandpa stood up shakily. She could smell blood on him, and it worried the little pup. He seemed fine standing up though. Her tail gave a small wag as he addressed her. I can. This was a chance to be a warrior like Grandpa. If it was asked of her, Adelle would do her best. She followed him further into the cave the best she could, soft puppy paws bracing against the hardness. They had only been walking for an hour or so before her paws began to complain, aching. Adelle didn't slow down though, determined to swallow her pain and be tough like it was asked. Another few feet was all she could take though before she sat down, whimpering a little.

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