Floating on air


Drakien met her pounce, playfully batting her away. Wild energy ran through her body as she skidded. Managing to catch herself Terra growled, tail wagging. There was so much running through her body, asking to play and run and be all over him, and just go on and on and on. She bowed down as Drakien pulled away, shaking his head. Terra frowned, disliking the movement. She wanted to play without restrictions, but he was holding himself back. True, if he went all out there was a good chance Terra would get hurt. She didn't care at that moment though, her blood singing in her ears, telling her all the things she needed to know. They were together, they were free, and there was nothing to stop them.

Playfully Drakien pounced at her, forcing the small hybrid back as her teeth snapped playfully at his ears. Hearing his words brought a large grin to her face. Really? I'd say I'm very good at getting what I want. She walked over to him, allowing their fur brush before whipping around, lunging for his face. She pulled back at the last moment, darting towards the trees they'd been racing towards. Stopping before she reached the goal Terra turned again, daring Drakien to keep up, to challenge her, to push her until she couldn't go any further. Her soul was alight, green eyes glowing. Her tail twitched with expectation, pulling herself up. I doubt you can get what you want though. Terra laughed softly, asking him to leave everything behind, to just live in the moment with her.

Let the night take you away

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