

Disappointed that Trent didn't pick up on her suggestion Terra turned, looking over the items again. Deciding on which wooden parts to take was difficult. Terra had learned how to make some puzzle pieces out of wood, but that had been a project that had lasted quite a few days. Making a den out of them would be simpler, but still promised to take a fair amount of time. Shrugging she dragged out a small table and some smaller broken flat wooden pieces. They would make a fair den. She moved out of the room and they returned to the empty room.

Gazing around Terra turned and looked to Trent for direction. She had no idea how he wanted this to be set up. The male was sweet, though very shy. She wondered if he would keep pushing in the direction Terra felt he was hinting at, which was more than open enough for Terra, or ask for his help arranging things. He might even ask her to leave, wanting time alone. She placed the wooden pieces down, and softly arranged them into a small cave one could sleep under before stepping back shyly, looking to see if he liked it.

Let the night take you away

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