I just need to breathe

Word Count ::336 Points::3 OOC::

After having said he would like to accompany her back to her place she seemed to become livelier than before, a smile now graced her face. She told the half and half to follow along. When the female tpld Mido of the canines she lived with he strongly recalled his last encounter with Aeron, the female who was like a friend and a mentor to him, she really could be scary when she wished to though. Xyza asked the Dasa if he’d met her family. He didn’t know the extent of her family, so he was kind of unsure. Maybe? I know Aeron, I haven’t met Io or Leon, and I’m not sure if I’ve met all the children. He recalled the ex-assassin introducing her children the last time they spoke. Not too many canines could cause the multicolored mix to fear or worry, but the Ganesa Woman knew how to crawl under his skin.

She asked the Huskadore what it was he did here in Anathema. He thought about it only for a moment. I’m a Dasa, one of the warriors here in Anathema. After having said what he had, he examined her question with more scrutiny, maybe it was the way she phrased it that made him wonder. He was just a third rate warrior who in no way had proven himself. What did he actually do around here? He did absurdly copious amounts of physical and mental training. What was it all for though, he hadn’t ever taught anybody how to fight or use a weapon of any kind, but he probably could at least teach the basics anyhow, he could get a beginner pointed in the right direction. Concerning Anathema, he couldn’t think of any threats that stood against them, he never heard of any other packs disliking them, so war didn’t even seem like a possibility. What about you Xyza? What’s your specialty? He asked her in return wishing to talk about her and get to know a little about her.

Table by the Mentors!
my avatar is NATalicious

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