(J) One Journey's Ending, and Another's Beginning
Her fur might always keep that lingering scent of the wilderness and the ocean, having been on her own for so long. That length of time as a nomad would surely make it a challenge for the scent of the New Dawn pack to mask her own, unique smell. When the Alpha bumped flanks with her, she let out a shy, playful whine, rubbing her fur in against his.

She could smell them on the wind, her future pack members. A curious twinge of anxiety flamed in her belly, causing her tail to droop a little low. Her ears, which had been perked for the duration of their easy canter into the heart of the territory, now lowered a little more on her head. They would not pin back against her skull until she actually came into contact with the other pack members.

As they finally came on the den, Ciara sat on the outside, whimpering nervously and digging a paw at the ground. She would probably feel more comfortable if the other wolves came out of the den to meet her, rather than her entering the den to feel nervous and claustrophobic all at once. She wasn't used to dens anymore, having spent the majority of her nights in the open beneath a tree. There were going to be quite a few things for the young wolf to get used to.

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