Mirror Mirror

Table by Raze <3

It had been close to a month since her run-in with the coyote. In that time Holly had stayed close to the den like she was supposed to, only venturing as far as the river on either side. But she was growing restless and the scolding she had recieved was far from her mind when she woke up to a clear, blue sky and a warmth that visibly melted the snow around her. Spring was on the way and you could feel it in the warm air that blew past the mouth of the den. She took in a deep breath and a wide smile appeared on her lips. It was adventure time.

She started off at a run and quickly bounded down to the river. It was as cold as it had been all winter and she quickly lapped a few gulps before hopping the river at its skinnest point. She continued on her way, her head snapping from side to side as she took in the part of the territory she had not ventured into since she had been taken into New Dawn. It was nice to be free, to be by herself after spending so much time in the den or near the den, surrounded by the rest of the pack. Not that she didn't love them, because she did. They were her family and they protected and fed her. Sometimes one just needed to get away.

She wasn't looking at the ground, searching the nearby trees for birds or squirells or anything other creature that might be hanging out up there. All of a sudden her face was in the snow that still lingered on the ground. She lifted her head and snorted the flakes from her nose. She got her paws under her and scrambled off of whatever she had tripped over. Once she was standing she turned around and gave the offending object a look.

It was a puppy. She looked to be around the same age as Holly. There hadn't been a new puppy that had joined her pack, had there? That would be, like, the best thing ever. Someone she could play with who wasn't a million years older than her! A bright smile lit up her face as she waited for the girl to wake up. When she had Holly would be in her face, her tail wagging wildly behind her as she asked. "Who are you?" Without enough pause for Dalgina to answer she continued on. "My name's Holly. Deuce takes care of me now cause my mama is gone. Do you live here? Is your mama gone too?" She took in a big breath before looking at the other girl expectantly.

Word Count → 453

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