Mirror Mirror

Word Count :: 379 OOC :: Please feel free to post before me and junk, Zalen is just going to be watching over them from a ways off.

His black paws had taken him to the borders once more, this time in his more natural lupus form. He was sad that the snow still lingered here, he so desperately wished for spring. Spring meant renewed life, carefree feelings, but also more work as prey became stronger and more violent in the season of mating. Still, he was looking forward to it so desperately, for soon it would be time for his own courtship with his young mate, and he was very much excited for the prospect of pups.

Speaking of pups, the scent of New Dawn’s youngest member, Holly, sprang to his dark nostrils. He had so frightened the little one when she had first arrived and he had been in his bipedal form. Her being a non-luperci, there was a chance she had never seen such a creature before he, and it made sense that she would be so scared. But no, in his lupus form, he was sure she would be curious, and so he trotted in the direction of the scent.

He was expecting to see Deuce as well, but instead the visage of two pups met his eyes; Holly and a black puppy that he did not know. He took pause, craning his neck to sniff at them. Smells of Ichika, and of Jace, Noah’s sister who had come to see his punishment, wafted to him. Had this little one wandered all the way here from Ichika? Zalen raised his head, scanning for Deuce, or Jace, but sensed neither. How strange.

The black male sat, as the two began to play; it seemed the black pup’s appearance was harmless, and it seemed her mother was not around. Zalen could not get angry about the trespassing of a youngster, they knew no better, but the idea that she had come all this way on her own was mind boggling. She either was a clever escape artist, or her mother was not as watchful as she should have been. Zalen then decided he should watch the two pups, seeing as Deuce was not around, and laid his black form down upon the crest of a hill, looking down upon them. He would not let them out of his sight, but they may play for now.

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