M- Hall of the mountain King.
WARNING: This thread contains material exceeding the general board rating of PG-13. It may contain very strong language, drug usage, graphic violence, or graphic sexual content. Reader discretion is advised.

Word Count → 4832(when completed) :: This happens shortly after Krystalle and Amon make a break for it. The are not part of the pack anymore, but for various reasons, they had not been taken off of Mars' profile because of the fact that they had other things that needed to be done with them. This is backdated to maybe two weeks after Caraphernelia (Jan 20th)

Automatic, I imagine, I believe
Do you live, die, bleed, for the fantasy?

She was sad. She didn't like to be alone. Her stomach was empty, as was her son's. She sighed lightly, continuing to trudge along, her mohawk down flat on her head, and her hands holding her stomach. Her son had been leading her steed ahead of her, and she dragged behind, her body wanting to give up on her, but her determination to get away from this dreaded place was what was keeping her from stopping. Her tired pink eyes frantically looked around as she moved along, trying to find some sort of peace. She was in turmoil because she had finally left Mars, and she was pretty much lost in her reason for living. She was trying to get out of something that was going to end up bad for her, but she was suffering for leaving as well. She missed Mars, she missed Bartholomew. Sometimes the consequences for living with the crazy male outweighed the pluses of living with him. Sometimes she wanted to just go home and snuggle with Mars, but for some reason, she thought that she would be unwelcome back. "Amon..." she called out to the male who was just about as tall as his father by now. He was tailless like his mother, and he wore a pair of his father's old jeans that Mars had patched up for him, with the one of the knees torn from them, and the jeans were also pretty loose on Amon still so he also had taken a belt that Mars never used anymore and was wearing that. Amon looked back at his mother and then stopped Senorita and trotted over to his mother. ,,Yes mom?,, asked Amon. "I need to rest. Por favor." spoke the woman to the male, and Amon agreed and then sat down on the ground in front of the woman. ,,Then let us rest for a little bit.,, spoke the boy and a smile pushed it's way on his lips. It reminded Krystalle of Mars' smile. She sighed lightly and touched her son's beautiful face. "Oh, mio" she spoke to him and she sat down as well. She sighed once more, and then played with the end of her kilt that was starting to tear.

Senorita suddenly flicked her ears, there was a sound of a breaking twig of something creeping around in the brush. She nickered lightly and looked around with her blue eyes, trying to find sight of what was creeping around them. Amon noticed that she was looking at something really hard and he looked at the horse, and then to the brush. ,,Mom...Senorita is looking at something...,, spoke the child, his mismatched eyes and patched face pointed towards the east, where Senorita was standing and looking in. Krystalle looked with her tired eyes towards the brush, and just as she had turned her head towards it, a dog came into view. He was large, but not wolf. A pure blooded dog. Rare around these parts. He was in his secui form, so he was much bigger than he would have been in his lupus form, but the lithe frame combined with the triangle ears and curly tail had suggested that he was like Mars' mother's side of the family. The male had these crazy green and brown flecked eyes though, and a really mean look on his face, and this wasn't the one they should have had to worry much about though. Not long after the first beast emerged, the second one did. He was in his Optime form, a sled dog harness adorned his lithe frame which was made of dusty silvers, coal, and white. This male had a more dangerous look on his face, and he was littered in scars, mostly on his face, neck and shoulders from thr scraps that they had been getting into as they had traveled to here, to find that stupid Russo. Their mother had sent David and Edge to get Mars and bring him home, so she had some sort of entertainment, even though it had been about a year since he had been seen. His mother was getting smart though, and she had been asking the traders if they had seen or heard of a man named "Cali" or "Mars" or "Bartholomew Cubbins" and eventually she would find people who have met Mars, and not only that but Edge and David had been traveling to find him and the steed that he had stolen from their mother.

Edge emerged though, and Krystalle had recognized him right away, as did he recognized she. ,,"You bitch.",, spoke the male, his fangs showing instantly at the female. Krystalle was genuinely scared of the male, because she had heard the stories from Mars about this male. She knew who he was because she and he had met briefly before, but it ended with her being able to run away quick enough to get away from him, she had better endurance than the sled dog, but now, Edge was much faster than he used to be. Amon looked at the two, and then to his mother. ,,Who are they?,, asked Amon to his mother and he stood up, his hackles on his back standing up to show that he was going to try to protect his mother. Edge cackled loudly. Edge also observed this male, and how closely he looked of Mars. ,,"Is that of Mars' blood?",, asked the male. Floppy ears of the woman fell back on her head. ,,"Where is he, woman?",, demanded the male. Edge was not playing games, and Krystalle knew that. She did not move though, in fear that Edge would come after her. She was tired. She did not want to move. Her body wanted her to run away from this male though because she was afraid of him, as was she afraid of Hurricane. Actually, she was more scared of Edge than of Hurricane. There was something in the back of her mind that told her that Hurricane would not kill her like Edge would.

The husky man growled when Krystalle did not answer though. ,,"I asked you a goddamn question woman. Where the fuck is Bartholomew?",, he demanded again, and Krystalle looked down at her knees. "He's....He's south..." spoke the woman, admitting where he was. Edge then approached the woman and snatched her by her hair. Amon jumped up and went to attack Edge, but David was right on him and David also grabbed Amon by his long hair that matched his father's long hair when he had it in that style. Amon yelped in surprise. "Don't fight Amon. It'll be okay." the woman choked out the words. She was panicking on the inside though, for she hoped that they would be merciful with the two. There was nothing she could do, and she knew there was nothing she could do, because Edge and David were heartless. David not as much as Edge, but still, they were raised by that Cubbins woman, so they were definitely on the insane side of the fence. ,,"You, woman, are going to lead us to him. NOW.",, spoke the male, growling as he punched her in the stomach. She coughed and groaned and fell to her knees and then she shoved her nose into the dirt. She obeyed. "Yes, I....will bring you to...him." she spoke when she caught her breath. She whined softly though, not wanting to do this, but she had no other choice but to do it. She couldn't fight back because she was too tired to even think straight. She was forced back on her feet by a strong arm that picked her up by her leather jacket's collar. She turned to the south, and started to walk towards where she knew the male would be.

Amon silently gave up the battle that he and his mother could not win on their own. Amon knew that when they found Paz and Mars, then they would be able to be okay. They would be able to take down the violent males. Then they could be a family again, even though Amon was terrified of Hurricane now. He knew that it would be for the better if they remained a family. It was because things like this happens when they tried to run away. He sniffled though, and he whined as well as he walked in front of David, and close to his mother. David had taken Senorita's reigns and lead her while Edge was pulling his sled and following close behind Krystalle. They walked in a group, and after awhile, Edge had told them to stop so that they could tie their hands together, to avoid any surprise attacks. Krystalle thought about fighting back, but she still silently obeyed.

Little did she know, Mars was not too far off. He had been wandering around the Winter festival as Bartholomew Cubbins for some time now, and the way that Krystalle was heading was back towards Halifax area. Mars had started to head North for some reason or another, probably looking for something, or it could have been Bartholomew, tuning in and smelling Krystalle's wandering scent. Either way, they were not all as far off as they thought. Krystalle had walked until she could not walk anymore, and she fell on the ground, and just started to whimper and lay there helplessly. She was hoisted back up two more times before they actually let her sit down. It mostly was because the two men were hungry though and they needed to stop for some of their dried meat. They did not offer any to Amon or Krystalle though, for they figured that the two would not need it. All they would need is some snow in the gut to keep them content.

"They are close. I can smell them." he had his eyes closed and he sniffed the ground. He could smell them, and there were some other scents in there too. Paz followed close behind her father, barely was there a time where she wouldn't be by his side now a days. He had been able to get away from her at the festival, but that was because he was Bartholomew, and he was not Mars, but every time he was Mars, her father, she would come back and be at his hip the whole time. It was weird how the girl was so attached to him, but he figured that she was Krystalle's little girl, so the attraction to him was somewhat normal. He was him now though, somewhat in the middle of each of the personalities really though, for he was being instinctively drawn back to Krystalle's scent, which was influenced mostly by Bartholomew, but it was something that Mars wanted as well, so they were working as one to get the body back to it's lover.

Paz did not speak to her father as they walked along, her in her smaller Optime form, as was her father. She also hung back a little bit because the male had a nailed bat that was quite scary to her. He dragged it on the ground, and he had a vacant look on his face, so she was being extra careful, and getting ready to run if Hurricane showed up. Mars did not notice, for he was intensely focused on this task at hand. He snarled lightly as his mind had found the scents familiar. They....They were here. It had made Mars first stop in his tracks. He inhaled, and slowly exhaled. He was thinking. Thinking thinking and thinking, then fighting. Bartholomew was the one who kinda got along with David, but no one got along with Edge. Both Bartholomew and Mars knew that Edge was here to fight. Mother would have sent David for brawn. Bartholomew argued with Mars, and Mars retaliated. He wanted to be the one who fucked Edge's day up. Bartholomew thought that Mars would end up letting Edge get away alive, or, Hurricane would show up. As far as this went, Hurricane had been sitting in the shadows, waiting for his chance to strike both of them.

Paz noticed that there was something going on with Mars at the moment, and she was a good distance away from him, in case he decided that he wanted to be someone else for today. Her floppy ears were pointed towards the male, trying to listen to the male's mumblings under his breath. There was a long silence before Mars suddenly turned his head and looked at his daughter straight in the multi-colored eyes of the girl. "Stash the sled. This is gonna get messy. Come back and help mother and brother escape." he told her, and she nodded her head. She then left her father's side and went to the southeast of the area that they were in.

Bartholomew looked back at Mars, and then looked to the north, where the stench had been drifting through the air. His brothers must of taken a piss somewhere close by, because he was really smelling it. Krystalle might have been making them go in really big and long circles, or zig-zaging on a bigger scale. She might have been lost, she never was the best of navigators. At least, not when she hadn't slept in days and was completely stressed out and hungry. Bart growled lightly, and his mismatched ears fell on his head as he inhaled the scent of the half brother who would have been the end of him many times before if it had not been for intervention of a third party. He continued on and he held the bat firmly in his grip, now picking it up and putting it on his shoulder so that he can use his heritage to it's full advantage. He jumped up to where he was on top of the snow, and he started to run over the snow, and making extremely sharp corners for where he believed the next place they had ventured to.

The crunching of snow was what made Krystalle stop. She didn't mean to stop to bring attention to it, but she was the first to notice it. She then fell to her knees again and started to yelp at the top of her lungs to try and keep the attention away from the other crunching snow to her. David fell for it, and he rushed to her side, but Edge, he was smarter than this, he kept his eyes out, and when there was an angry Bartholomew that busted through the brush, Edge was the first to stand up to the taller male. ,,"Hey faggot.",, spoke Edge, a grin cocked on his maw as he looked at Mars, taking in how big he had gotten, how much he had filled out, and ultimately, all the piercings and tattoos he had now. Edge stared at his brother, and Krystalle was limp on the ground. She saw Mars, but did not believe he was here. She was thinking that this was all just her imagination playing tricks on her. Bartholomew looked down at her, and something in her head told her that it was not Mars, that it was her knight in shining armor, Bartholomew. She still didn't believe that he had been here so soon. It seemed unreal. All of it.

Amon, however, knew that he was seeing his father, and he was so happy to see him, but David was holding him, so there was no game for him to run to his father's protection. Amon did not know much about Bartholomew though, so it was hard for him to tell who it was, especially since Bartholomew was not in his white attire and also he was holding a bat. Amon was scared of Hurricane as well, so he had mixed feelings about seeing his father, even though it was probably for the best. He whined though and looked at his father with wide and tired and sorrowful eyes. Bartholomew looked at poor Amon. "What arr ya' doin' to mah woman, an' mah son?" asked Bartholomew, his voice flat, but still accented in the way that Edge and David knew who it was. ,,"Just the man I wanted to talk to.",, spoke Edge with a crooked grin on his lips. ,,"Momma misses ya', Barty. She sent David and I ta' come git ya",, spoke the devil with his lying eyes that were a mixture of orange, brown, and green.

"I ain't comin' home, mothafucka" snarled Bartholomew. "Let go of my son, and my woman, and I won't smash your fucking skull in and send your tails to mom on a fucking pike" ordered Bartholomew, taking it to the ultimate offensive thing he could do to his mother. The tail was sacred in that family, which is why both Amon, and Krystalle would be of no use to them, but Paz would be valued in the clan. ,,"So this is your son? That pathetic thing? He has no tail himself!",, teased the devil man. David snickered in the background, finding Edge to be pretty funny at the moment. Amon was offended, and saddened that the tail held so much value, and he felt angry not only at them, but at his father again. He whined and his ears fell back on his head though and he sighed lightly.

Edge got angry though, for he figured that Bartholomew would just come back. ,,"Ya' ain't allowed ta' have a woman and a son, mothr'fucksa.",, spoke the devil as he moved over and he grabbed the woman by her leather jacket and he dragged her over and then kicked her towards Bartholomew. ,,"Tha' bitch is useless, she ain't even got a tail. She gave you offspring that ain't got a tail, mothafucka.",, spoke the devil man as Bartholomew had approached Krystalle and stood over her, his bat readied for if Edge was going to attack.

Edge snarled and then he did as was expected of the husky male, and he charged at Mars. Bartholomew swung the bat and hit the beast in the shoulder, which made him fall to the ground. Edge quickly got up though, and this time, David had gotten in on the fun. He couldn't keep his focus on two different beings at one time, so they would just overwhelm the male until he gave in. Amon was forced to the ground and kicked in the ribs as if that was a warning to not move. Amon did the opposite. As soon as he was kicked to the ground, he had taken that chance to get out of his rope. He worked on that momentarily as David rushed at the male with the bat. They circled the male as if he was prey and he was getting bitten on the ankles one moment and getting hit in the back of the head the next.

Krystalle seemed lifeless on the ground, she did not move, only breathed in and out slowly, and her eyes were closed. She did not see anything that was going on. Heard it, yes, but did not see it. Amon was soon joined by a smaller creature, Paz Russo, who had helped him take off his ropes as quickly as she could and then she looked to her mother. David noticed them escaping, so he was quick to run off after them while Bartholomew focused on eliminating Edge. The thing about Edge was that he was reckless, and he sometimes missed the finer details in life. He was more intelligent than David, by far, but he did not care about anything really. That and he was hot headed and aggressive, but with little skill to assess before charging. He was very predictable in other words. Even Bartholomew could see through his style of taking down another being. Bartholomew blocked many of Edge's attacks, only a few scratches here and there, and he also got hit in the junk a few times because Edge was not above kicking.

All it took was another few swings for Bartholomew to finally get the little devil down on the ground again. By that time, Bartholomew was getting tired, but Edge was still going. He took the chance that he had when Edge was on the ground this time, and he pinned him with his foot on the male's chest, but the male's hands dug into his thighs and the male tried to bite him a few times. He also was kicking until Bartholomew had put the bat on the sled dog's sack and he threatened his manhood. "Ya not gonna be a man no more man, I wasn't kidding when I said those things bout yerr tail, bro." growled the beast, that was Bartholomew. One would not think that Bartholomew had it in him to actually fight, but this was to Bartholomew showing them who was boss. No one fucks with his family and gets away with it. Amon and Paz were his little babies, and Krystalle was his lover. Bartholomew was the wrong person to fuck with when it came to them.

Speaking of the two babies, they were running away from the secui bulldozer that was catching up to the two younger and more gangly and awkward adult-children. David had gotten a tail length's away from Paz before Amon had turned around and kicked David in the face. David was stunned but not he was angry so he leapt at them, and he was able to land on the Optime formed Amon and start to try to maul Amon's chest before Paz dug her own tooth and claw into David's hips and spine. David started to buck then, and it let Amon be able to slip free a little bit and Amon was able to kick the male in between the legs as hard as he possibly could at the time and then once he was able to get up he launched an attack at the male's face. David, already not being the brightest husky out there got confused and the more confused he got, the more angry he got, and he started to thrash and bite at anything he could. Amon ended up being caught by the male twice, not only with his fangs but with claws that dug into his shoulder and chest. Mars would be proud of this moment, where his children were kicking their uncle's asses.

Bartholomew had come to the conclusion that he did not want Edge to live, and so he did as he promised and he executed Edge with little mercy, by bashing his skull in with the nailed bat. At that moment, Mars had stepped in, and he grew confused because of the fact that this was not Hurricane he was having to kick out of the chair, but Bartholomew. Mars would take care of David. Once Mars assessed the damage on Krystalle, he quickly ran in the direction with his children in it as well as David. He left the bat by Edge though, for it was stuck in what once was his face.

Once Mars had come in on the scene, his brother was thrashing about with the two optime formed children biting and scratching him. He was yelping and crying out to Edge, who could not hear him anymore. "Amon, Paz, enough. He only follows orders because he's stupid." spoke Mars, and he dismissed them, and they slowly let go, and David fell to the floor. He was tired suddenly. He was panting and his green and brown eyes turned to Mars. "Mars... Thanks..." spoke David, and he looked at the children. "They strong." spoke the husky male. Mars nodded his head. "Yeah. Go live your life somewhere David. Edge isn't around to boss you around anymore, and Momma won't let you come home. You can't stay here though. Well, you can stay here, but not around my family. Make your home elsewhere, understand?" asked Mars, showing mercy on David, as David had count-lessly done for him.

"Birdie." spoke David who looked to the sky to see a hawk, and it swooped down and landed next to David. David looked at it, and knew what it was for, but did not know how to work the bird. "Momma's birdie." David spoke to Mars and Mars looked at the hawk. So their mother was into birds now too. Mars got up just then, and moved away from the wounded brother and moved towards the dead one. He took a knife from Senorita's pack, seeing as the steed had come back when the fighting stopped. The steed was checking on it's master when Mars came to it and took the knife and then pivoted and moved towards the dead male. He moved the body to where he could get access to the tail. He almost skillfully removed the tail and then moved back over to Krystalle, picked her up and put her on his back, and carry her. He carried her to David and Amon quickly came to his side to help his dad as he went to set her back down on the ground. Mars threw the tail down at the hawk and preached "Take that to mother. Tell her that I'll do the same to her if she ever comes after me again."

The bird seemed to understand, and tit took off first without the tail, but then Mars picked it back up and threw it in the air, and it caught it and continued to fly away, back to where it came from. "Let's go home." Mars told his small family, picking Krystalle back up and putting her on his back, and then Paz going and getting Senorita. They had a long trip home, with many stops, but they would make it there eventually. They definitely would.

Soon, Krystalle would realize that she was floating, but the ride was very bumpy and uncomfortable. She sighed and opened her sleepy eyes slightly to see her lover carrying her on his back. She wrapped her arms around him, and she gave a moan, but a happy one, seeing as he was her savior right now. She smiled softly. "Bartholomew, I love you." she spoke to him, but he did not respond right away. He shook his head. "It's Mars." he spoke to her. "I saw Bartholomew" she instinctively argued. Mars nodded his head lightly. "Well...I'm sure he loves you too." spoke Mars, who continued to walk. "I'm taking you home Krystalle." he mentioned to her. She shook her head. "No home..." She did not want to go back to Crimson Dreams. Mars understood the feeling. He sighed lightly. "We will discuss this later, my love. For now, just rest. We have a long way to safety." spoke Mars as he continued to walk along with his children. After awhile, Amon had asked for a harness for a sled, like all of the Cubbins had, including Mars. Mars nodded his head. "They are difficult to make, but I know one that will work for you." Mars promised the boy. He didn't like that Amon wanted to be like them but it did help with transporting things without having to use a horse and a cart, so it was very understandable to the Russo male.

Mars sighed lightly as he continued to lead his family towards home, having to probably stop in CdA first to rest, or maybe just a random cave somewhere. Mars didn't think he wanted to get Orin involved with Krystalle issues and stuff like that, but they did have healers in CdA that could help, even though Krystalle and Mars were more than likely outcasts in their once home so Mars might want to skip over there and just go straight to Crimson Dreams and hope for the best for Krystalle. Again, he was not sure of his decision at the moment, but when the time was right, he would lead his family in the right direction, he believed deep down that he would. Right now though, he was wishing that Vox was around so that the loads that they all were carrying at the moment would be less than they were. Eventually, Mars had joined Amon in pulling the sled so that Mars' back could rest from her weight and she was laid down on the sled and put in there comfortably and then continued to pull the sled, even going as far as to put some of the other things on the other sled that Paz was pulling, along with holding onto Senorita and her load of things.

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