Mirror Mirror

Word Count :: +000

OOC text here

The sounds of sliding and the yip of pain didn't slow down Dalgina at all, used to the various mishaps that happened in such games. Thinking she was gonna win Dalgina let out a yap of joy. Just a few feet from the stream, and a large bundle of fur tackled her. Dalgina squealed with delight as they both went tumbling, head over heels. The pups were a bundle of color flashing together. Dalgina tried to move, to halt them, but it only ended in getting even more entangled in Holly. At last they slid to a stop, Dalgina pinned beneath Holly.

Immediately Dalgina began squirming. No you don't! Getting out from underneath Holly was hard though. She was still very, very sleepy from all the travel she'd done. She twisted around, teeth nipping into Holly's side before she came out. With that accomplished Dalgina spun around, happy as could be. She turned, pouncing on Holly. She was the conqueror of this pile. I got you! Her tail wagged furiously as she licked the face of her friend.

Dalgina Wolfe-Denahlii

Table by Alex

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