[joining] marching on
She liked to think she'd inspired enough anticipation with her words: and now it was time for the reveal. Caspa marched into the hotel first receiving room, her tail wagging once or twice in its stately manner as she looked around, with Trent there she saw the place as if through fresh eyes. To her it was almost overdone: too many curving mantels and glittering ornaments, colours, carved wood and papered walls, but she knew the effect was meant to be grand and impressive by the humans who built it. Although not entirely in a state of repair, the Court wolves did make some effort to keep it clean, so the old hotel wasn't falling apart just yet.

Amongst the finery, she was used to feeling like a rather ethereal figure, not one like Strelein or Terra with a personality large enough to fill a room, or with the elegance and grace of Princess or the King. Caspa was a misfit, but with her solemn composure coupled with a tendency to sarcasm and jokes, not taking herself too seriously, she filled a role all her own. Just now she felt a little like a stern schoolteacher, wondering exactly how much Trent would need explaining to him having never seen buildings before, but he refrained from asking any more questions and she assumed everything was either self-explanatory or he would prefer to poke around and discover for himself. Caspa guessed he would know where they were going by the smell as she paced down a corridor and into the kitchen and food storage wing. The meat here was well-stored, some barrels of dried meat on shelves, a few smoked pieces hanging from the ceiling and an assortment of fresh kills arrayed on a table. Caspa circled the room once, indicating silently where to find the meat, though of course he could probably smell it all. "Make yourself a good solid meal. I cannot join you, all I can manage presently is liquid, blood or boiled juices." She could not stop a look of disgust from passing over her face - one of the few expressions that came naturally to her.

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