Just a little rest

Cercelee nodded at Savina. Yes, they were in the same category. Of course, that was the way of life, parents weren’t meant to hold on tightly to their children anyhow. After one litter was grown, there had to be room for the next, at least in theory, so many times the children went off to join separate packs anyway. Sometimes families stay close, but Cercelee hadn’t seen any in a long time. She had come to the conclusion that you couldn’t really rely on family, if her mother and brothers had lived would she still be with them? Probably not, but that realization did not hurt anymore. She had her friends and pack members, and some of those happened to be family as well. Ember who had saved her life, but had she done it because they were friends, family, or both? It was hard to say.

"I was close to all of them. My brothers especially. And I adored my father, thought he was a hero. After my mother died though, he didn’t want me. Left me with strangers... others that he said were family, but they weren’t my family. People don’t always end up who you think they are." Can’t trust family, no matter how strong you think the ties are. Mates maybe, after all, weren’t they suppose to be for life? Soul mates? Partners? The idea was nice, and in a way Cer could even forgive Adrastos for shutting down when Lyla died. But Cer didn’t count on those either, because she didn’t have a mate and probably would never get one. Especially now that she looked like this, and though the scars would fade and be covered by fur, they would always be there, underneath. As would her commitment issues. Who wanted someone who was broken inside and out? Savina was right, there was very little one could control in their own life when so much depended on nature and the nature of the others around you. "What about you? Do you miss your family?"


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