A Tangled Web We Weave

Blind paused for a moment as she began to question what she was doing, her sanity slowly trickling back once again. But this girl didn’t react how she’d thought she would. A tiny tongue found its way over to Blind’s dark pelt and she froze, her ears pricking forward with intrigue. Bi-colored eyes flickered over to the hybrid as a coy grin spread across her face, and she realized that this girl was actually quite adorable. Everything was a game to her, and therefor there was no risk of getting hurt lurking behind every action. With a playful growl, Blind nudged her maw forward and nipped at the girl’s ears, her own pink tongue dancing out to catch the girl’s cheek. Her tail continued to sway happily, and her dark body nuzzled up against the hybrid’s in a mischievous manner as she chuckled and pawed at her tawny shoulder.

As much as her subconscious tried to take her back to the thought that this was her scarred friend, the she-wolf was enjoying herself too much to let it. The prospect of meeting someone new excited her too much, and her body showed it as she bounced around the girl like a wriggling puppy. A tiny yip escaped her jaws then, and she lowered her head to tuck beneath her paws as she stretched forward and looked up at the girl with bashful eyes. Forget the race, forget the sparring, forget the tricks. She was going to have fun for the first time in a long time, and she wasn’t going to let anyone tell her otherwise. That is, unless this girl protested her goofily affectionate actions or grew tired of them. With a rise of her head, she let out a nearly inaudible whimper before lunging forward again and attacking the girl’s face with licks, hoping rather un-secretly that this new playmate wouldn’t leave her.

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