Sometimes I find myself wondering
Skoll Haskel


The puppy mirrored the young man’s frown as he spoke of the kitten, and he stared forlornly down at the tabby-splashed feline. He couldn’t imagine being forgotten by his own mother, even if he wandered away a lot. He wondered if Hickory had been on an adventure before he got lost, and if his parent was still worriedly searching for him. These thoughts depressed him, and he lowered his ears sadly until Alder went on to speak about the Crimson Dreams pack.

As always, learning something new held the cub’s interest, and he nodded lightly. He still wasn’t really sure about where all the packs lay outside of Cour des Miracles, having ventured only as far as the forest less than a mile outside the pack grounds, but he would try to remember for when he got bigger. A King had to know the lay of the land even outside his kingdom, after all.

“They do?” Skoll yipped, tail wagging as the brown wolf spoke of his family. “What they like? Are they nice?” He supposed they would be nice. “What’re their names? And why’re they over there and you’re over here?” The last question caused him to cock his head thoughtfully. He guessed that sometimes people went to other packs; after all, not everyone in the Court had been born there, but he couldn’t imagine leaving the pack while his family was here.

After this explosion of questions, he managed to sit still long enough for answers before turning in a quick circle when the male’s blue eyes fell on him. “I—” He paused, drew his tongue over his lips almost sheepishly as he tried to remember why he’d come to the stables. “Oh, that’s good. I was um—maybe help. Or—visit ’em horses. Or something fun.”

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