The First Link in the Chain
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The woman was near lost in her craft to the point of her companion going unnoticed until he screeched for her undivided attention. Her muzzle was met with a body of feathers before her head could even lift to acknowledge him. His sharpened talons latched firmly around her maw, tickling the flesh of her lips with their defined tips before he freed her and resumed his hover overhead. Always the theatrical companion and now even more so with the woman’s attention divided between him and the latest addition to their hodge-podge of a family.

Setting down her craft with an annoyed grumble, she lifted both muzzle and an arm in a gesture for the irritable bird to perch. It was her own fault for neglecting him. When their time was often spent in each other’s company, him nesting on her shoulder through nearly all her tasks and conversing with her of the splendors he had seen on his outwards trips, it was no wonder he was stared for her attention now. A little needy for a bird, but it was none the less welcomed. Her speckled friend spotted the arm and made a sweep down to take it just as the sound march of hoofed steps garnered their attention. The distraction was all that was needed for yet another appearance to be made with theatrics.

Her nameless owl swung wide away from the darting dark blur as it latched onto a golden arm and nearly threw the woman back by its force. For a fledgling so ready to fly its landing was terrible and it would have served well for this little owl to have made some indication of its arrival to prepare its handler for its abrupt entrance. But then, this female was naturally quiet. Annoyingly so. With his perch stolen by the smaller short-eared sibling, the Eurasian owl reclaimed his height among the clouds feeling even more left out that his change for bonding was taken yet again. (As if the blame could be placed on the wolf…)

From the tiny thing's appearance, she had only a moment to brace herself and her arm before its toes gripped her arm, using the limb as a stop in her flight instead of utilizing her wings. This female had quite the personality on her, eager and absent minded to a degree, and increasingly dependent as her handler was starting to learn. X’yrin held her arm extended out in front of her as the fledgling continued to beat her wings against the air for stability until she found her balance and settled. Pushing on her bracing arm behind her, the female was finally able to right herself now that her companion was stable and turned to her spectators with a bashful smile on her lips. “My apologies,” she offered sincerely, feeling terrible for their wait while her bird finally settled. “They act like bickering siblings, you see. But yes… it’s good to see you again.” Keeping the bird balanced on her arm, the female pushed herself to stand whilst using her free hand to brush the clinging snow and rock from her fur. “When last we spoke,” she continued softly in the midst of light grooming. “I don’t believe I received your name. At the Festival I was Seiki to Ichika… now I am its Tenryu. But please, call me X’yrin.” She inclined her head humbling toward the known male and his guest. “It is a pleasure to see you both. Thank you from coming to meet me.”



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